Queensland's Biodiversity Conservation Strategy

Conserving Nature – a Biodiversity Conservation Strategy for Queensland (PDF, 1.8 MB) (the Strategy) sets out the Queensland Government’s vision for the future of biodiversity in the state and outlines outcomes, goals objectives and principles as an overarching framework for biodiversity conservation in Queensland.

The Strategy is an important step towards establishing an integrated and comprehensive whole-of-government conservation strategy. It was developed in response to the recommendations in the Queensland Audit Office Conserving threatened species report and was informed by targeted stakeholder engagement.

The Strategy highlights the Queensland Government's commitment to protecting and conserving biodiversity values, addressing the decline in threatened species and connecting people and nature in economic, social and environmental contexts.

The vision is: ‘Nature is actively supported to thrive in Queensland’, with outcomes that 'Nature is healthy' and 'Nature is valued'.

The Strategy's goals are below with expandable lists that detail some of the existing strategies, programs and policies that will contribute to achieving these goals.

Biodiversity conservation across Queensland Government

The Strategy brings together work across Queensland to protect, restore and promote the resilience of Queensland’s biodiversity through regulation, science and research programs, restoration projects, planning for national parks, state forests and reserves, coastal management and protected area maintenance, climate adaptation planning, and investment opportunities.

Queensland Government departments are implementing strategies, programs, projects and other activities that align with the goals of the Biodiversity Conservation Strategy. Some examples include:

  • Queensland Feral Pest Initiative – the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (DAF) facilitates the allocation of funding to support cluster fencing arrangements, and other invasive plant, animal control and capacity building projects across Queensland.
  • Early warning surveillance program – DAF's Biosecurtiy Queensland officers conduct pest inspections around Brisbane and other regional areas for exotic plant pests as part of a national program.
  • Queensland Sustainable Fisheries Strategy: 2017–2027 – DAF sets out their approach for fisheries reform in areas such as sustainable catch limits, impacts on non-target species, improved monitoring and research, and improved engagement.
  • Vegetation management framework – the Department of Resources undertakes monitoring, compliance, and enforcement activities, assesses applications and manages development approvals in relation to the clearing of vegetation in Queensland.
  • State Planning Policy – the Department of Housing, Local Government, Planning and Public Works is responsible for the State Planning Policy, under which biodiversity is identified as one of 17 state interests. The state government becomes involved in local government planning and development decisions where biodiversity is affected.
  • Environmental impact assessment – the Department of Transport and Main Roads carries out assessments to determine the impacts of proposed transport infrastructure projects on the environment, including consideration of impacts on biodiversity.

Investing in Biodiversity across Queensland

The Queensland Government actively invests in partnerships that deliver outcomes for biodiversity as well as progressing priority acquisitions for protected areas, delivering the Land Restoration Fund, and providing Community Sustainability Action grants.

The Queensland Government is also developing its Natural Capital Program, which will facilitate private sector investment in projects that deliver positive environmental outcomes for the state, such as those being achieved by the Queensland Government’s $500 million Land Restoration Fund.

Developing a performance framework for Queensland’s Biodiversity Strategy

A Performance Framework (framework) to measure progress towards protecting and restoring native species and ecosystems to 2030 is being developed. This framework will ensure that we can evaluate the effectiveness of the Biodiversity Conservation Strategy. In August and September 2024, Queenslanders were invited to share their views on the proposed targets, the existing actions that may contribute to meeting them and the proposed indicators that will measure progress. These views will inform development of a final framework for Queensland’s Biodiversity Conservation Strategy. To find out more about the closed consultation project visit In the Loop.

Enquiries can be made via email to biodiversitystrategy@des.qld.gov.au